Ịzụta nke ukwuu maka ire ọkụ n'azụ ụlọ Sandbox N'èzí osisi osisi maka nwa maka ọrịre


Nkọwa ngwaahịa

Mkpado ngwaahịa

Our well-equipped facilities and excellent excellent management during all stages of creations us to guarantee total buyer satisfaction for Super Purchasing for Hot Sale Backyard Wooden Sandbox Outdoor Wooden Sandpit for Kid for Sale, Our workforce members are intention to provide products and solutions with big Ọnụ ego arụmọrụ maka ndị na-azụ ahịa anyị, yana ebumnuche maka anyị niile ga-abụ imeju ndị ahịa anyị afọ site n'ebe niile n'ụwa.
Ụlọ ọrụ anyị nke ọma na njikwa magburu onwe ya n'oge niile nke okike na-enyere anyị aka ikwe nkwa afọ ojuju nke ndị na-azụ ahịa.Ahịa n'èzí China na akụrụngwa egwuregwu ụmụaka, Anyị nwekwara ike ike nke mwekota na-enye anyị kacha mma ọrụ, na-eme atụmatụ na-ewu ụlọ nkwakọba na mba dị iche iche gburugburu ụwa, nke ga-adị mfe karị ijere ndị ahịa anyị ozi.

Ozi ndị ọzọ

Code SXY-SX-003
Ozi nnyefe Akụkụ mapụtara nwere ike were ụbọchị ọrụ 10.Nye iwu tupu etiti ehihie maka izipu ngwa ngwa.A ga-ezigara ihe ahụ site na ọrụ ndị na-ebubata ihe enwere ike nyochaa ya.
Afọ akwadoro Afọ 3 +
Ihe ruru.Oge Mgbakọ Ihe ruru.Ndị okenye 2, awa 3.5
Nha agbakọtara L348 x W500 x H260cm
Ihe onwunwe Osisi pine
Oke Onye ọrụ kacha 80kg
Achọrọ mkpọkọ onwe Ee
Agba ahaziri

Ebe ire ere

Akụrụngwa fir dị elu: osisi siri ike, ike mkpakọ ike, mgbochi ahụhụ na mgbochi ire ere

Ụmụntakịrị na-enwe obi ụtọ, ndị nne na nna nwere ike inwe obi ike: Soro ụmụaka na-eto eto n'obi ụtọ, kwalite mmepe nke ikike iji aka nwa, na-anọkọ oge obi ụtọ na ndị enyi.

Mgbagwoju anya nghọta, ihe omume gburugburu ebe obibi, dị nro na-enweghị ogwu, agba osisi dị nro, ikike buru ibu, anaghị egbu egbu na enweghị ụtọ.

Fir ahọpụtara nke ọma - ọ nweghị ihe mgbawa n'elu, nwa agaghị emerụ aka mgbe ọ na-egwu egwu

Nri mara mma - ụdị osisi dị nro ma mara mma

Dị ike ma na-adịgide adịgide - elu osisi siri ike, arụmọrụ kwụsiri ike

Ịrụ ọrụ siri ike - mgbe ọtụtụ usoro gasịrị, ike siri ike ma dị ike, ogologo ndụ ọrụ

Ogo kachasị mma, nwee obi ike ịzụta - mee usoro ọ bụla nke ọma

Mmiri na-ekpuchi elu ụlọ na mkpuchi anwụ, ọ bụghị egwu mmiri ozuzo

Nhazi a na-ahazi, ahaziri dịka nha saịtị ndị ahịa si dị, a na-enwe afọ ojuju n'ichepụta onye nrụpụta tupu mmepụta.

Ezigbo ihe, anyị na-ajụ ịkpụ nkuku, nke ọma na-egbuke egbuke site na ndị ọkachamara nkà na ụzụ na ọtụtụ afọ nke ahụmahụ

Sunscreen na mmiri na-egosi, anyị na-eji agba mmiri na-emetụta gburugburu ebe obibi, 0 formaldehyde, enweghị isi isi ndị ahịa nwere ike iji obi ike họrọ.

Nkwenye mgbe ire ere - ọrụ nkwụsị ahịa zuru oke mgbe ọ gachara iji hụ na uru ndị ahịa kachasị

zetds (1)
zetds (2)
Our well-equipped facilities and excellent excellent management during all stages of creations us to guarantee total buyer satisfaction for Super Purchasing for Hot Sale Backyard Wooden Sandbox Outdoor Wooden Sandpit for Kid for Sale, Our workforce members are intention to provide products and solutions with big Ọnụ ego arụmọrụ maka ndị na-azụ ahịa anyị, yana ebumnuche maka anyị niile ga-abụ imeju ndị ahịa anyị afọ site n'ebe niile n'ụwa.
Ịzụta kacha mma makaAhịa n'èzí China na akụrụngwa egwuregwu ụmụaka, Anyị nwekwara ike ike nke mwekota na-enye anyị kacha mma ọrụ, na-eme atụmatụ na-ewu ụlọ nkwakọba na mba dị iche iche gburugburu ụwa, nke ga-adị mfe karị ijere ndị ahịa anyị ozi.

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